GIRL! Woohoo! Ez and I are both thrilled :). I've been doing some serious shopping, it has been a lot more fun to shop for a girl than it has been for a boy.
Here's how I told Ez and how we announced to friends and family on FB:
Belly Pics:
Here's some pics from our trip to Mexico!
How far along? 20 weeks
How big is the baby? Banana
Weight Gained: 1lb gained this week, total of 9lbs gained
Waist Size: 33 in, total of 3in growth (measuring around the belly button)
Exercising: was super lazy - i was in mexico all week
Stretch marks? Nope
Symptoms: Incredibly emotional. Zeke has been teething plus he got a million mosquito bites in Mexico so he's been crank town, and it's wearing on me!
Best moment this week: Hanging out in Mexico with the Ryan's, Nicole & Liam, and the Welches
Miss Anything? a bottle of wine to my dome
Number of times I get up to pee each night: none
Movement: lots of movement the last week or so!
Food cravings: nothing really this week
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing
Have you started to show yet: totally. i haven't had anyone ask me if i'm pregnant yet though
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In!
Mood: Exhausted and feeling down still. I'm still not feeling like my normal self.
Looking forward to: Heading to SF tomorrow for my brother Wade's wedding! I can't wait to see him and Hannah get hitched!
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