How far along? 25 weeks
How big is the baby? Eggplant
Weight Gained: 1lb gained this week, total of 17lbs gained
Waist Size: 35 in, total of 5in growth (measuring around the belly button)
Exercising: Pilates twice and I'm going to try and make it to a spin class tomorrow in the morning :).
Stretch marks? Nope
Symptoms: Getting braxton hicks cramps like whoa. I had the Dr. check my uterus last week at my appt and she said everything is fine. Guess this pregnancy is just more intense!
Best moment this week: Heading to SF for the day with my friend Catherine to go check out some small businesses for the So Cal Children's Museum
Number of times I get up to pee each night: once
Movement: Lots of kicking going on in there
Food cravings: Dark Chocolate/Sweets
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing
Have you started to show yet: For sure. Looking huge lately.
Labor Signs: no
Belly Button in or out? In!
Mood: feeling blah again. this baby is sucking the life out of me.
Looking forward to: heading to a-town to celebrate Kristen's wedding and then off to Cabo to celebrate Ashley's 30th bday!