Belly Pics:
How far along? 30 weeks
How big is the baby? A good-size cabbage, tipping the scales this week at 3 pounds (Length: about 15 3/4 inches, head to heel.)
Weight Gained: 2lbs gained this week, total of 21lbs gained.
Waist Size: 36 3/4 in, total of 6 3/4in growth (measuring around the belly button)
Exercising: Bar method 3 times and I did a prenatal yoga DVD at home once
Stretch marks? Nope
Symptoms: I've been feeling Braxton Hicks contractions about 10-20 times a day for the last couple of weeks. They don't hurt but they are definitely uncomfortable. I've also been feeling really sleepy and slow lately.
Sleep: Still sleeping really well!
Best moment this week: Hanging out with my bff, Ash, for a few days here in Pasadena! We also attended our first of five weekly birthing classes last Thurs night. It was actually really fun and informative, and Ezra said he enjoyed it as well. Oh, and guess who is taking the class with us?? Malin Ackerman and her husband! It's hard not to stare at her throughout the class lol :).
Miss Anything? A huge glass of red wine at dinner
Number of times I get up to pee each night: 3-4 times every night - ugh! Luckily I'm still able to fall right back to sleep after I get up.
Movement: Tons of movement all day long. You can really see him moving from the outside of my belly now. so. freaking. weird.
Food cravings: Nothing really this week. Where are those crazy cravings every prego women talks about??
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing
Have you started to show yet: Totes mcgoats
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In! I'm feeling pretty good that it's not gonna poke out at all now :).
Mood: Happy! I still have yet to have an emotional freak out session.
Looking forward to: Heading to Maui to spend time with my family! We will be there for 6 nights :).