Pics with fitted t-shirt:
Baby Room/Furniture:
Here's a pic of the finished closet (it originally was completely open with only a hanging rod):
Here's a sneak peak at some of the decor we have in the room:
How far along? 23 weeks
How big is the baby? Large mango
Maternity clothes? I bought a pair of Paige maternity skinny jeans that were on sale at bloomingdales. Oh my goodness. These jeans are seriously the most comfortable jeans I've ever worn. They have elastic on both hips to help fit my growing belly. I wish they made them in dark jean color rather than just black. For those who are pregnant, I highly suggest buying them: Paige Jeans. I'm pretty sure I'll be wearing these after the baby comes... they don't even look like maternity jeans and are SO comfortable!
Weight Gained: 1lb gained this week, total of 15lbs gained.
Waist Size: 34 in, total of 4in growth (measuring around the belly button)
Exercising: I went to Bar Method 4 times this week.
Stretch marks? Nope
Symptoms: I've been incredibly tired this week. I went from having tons of energy and being able to stay up until at least 10pm to now having to take a nap everyday and head to bed around 8 or 9pm. That 2nd trimester burst of energy only lasted about 2 weeks for me. My middle back is also still killing me. My mom gave me this weird back rolling thing that she uses to strengthen her back muscles so I'm hoping this thing works for me too.
Sleep: My growing belly and back pain are making it hard to sleep through the night. I finally got a maternity pillow (thanks for the recommendation, andrea!) and I've been sleeping much better since it arrived.
Best moment this week: I had a great Thanksgiving weekend with my mom, her husband, my little brother, and Ez.
Miss Anything? sushiiiiiii
Number of times I get up to pee each night: Still none, soon to change I'm sure.
Movement: So many kicks and flips happening in there. He even keeps me up at night sometimes.
Food cravings: No cravings this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing really this week.
Have you started to show yet: I'm definitely a lot bigger this week, but I still don't really look pregnant to people who don't know me, I'm sure that will change in the next few weeks.
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In (thank goodness, outties freak me out)
Mood: Tired all the time!
Looking forward to: Being home this weekend with no set plans. I'm going to try and get the majority of my holiday shopping done :).
Symptoms: I've been incredibly tired this week. I went from having tons of energy and being able to stay up until at least 10pm to now having to take a nap everyday and head to bed around 8 or 9pm. That 2nd trimester burst of energy only lasted about 2 weeks for me. My middle back is also still killing me. My mom gave me this weird back rolling thing that she uses to strengthen her back muscles so I'm hoping this thing works for me too.
Sleep: My growing belly and back pain are making it hard to sleep through the night. I finally got a maternity pillow (thanks for the recommendation, andrea!) and I've been sleeping much better since it arrived.
Best moment this week: I had a great Thanksgiving weekend with my mom, her husband, my little brother, and Ez.
Miss Anything? sushiiiiiii
Number of times I get up to pee each night: Still none, soon to change I'm sure.
Movement: So many kicks and flips happening in there. He even keeps me up at night sometimes.
Food cravings: No cravings this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing really this week.
Have you started to show yet: I'm definitely a lot bigger this week, but I still don't really look pregnant to people who don't know me, I'm sure that will change in the next few weeks.
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In (thank goodness, outties freak me out)
Mood: Tired all the time!
Looking forward to: Being home this weekend with no set plans. I'm going to try and get the majority of my holiday shopping done :).