How big is the baby? Sweet Potato
Maternity clothes? Still rocking my pre-prego clothing.
Weight Gained: 0lbs gained this week, total of 9lbs gained. At this week's appointment, the Dr. said i'm right on track.
Waist Size: 32 in, total of 2in growth (measuring around the belly button)
Exercising: I was super busy this week trying to organize the house for our carpet installation so I didn't get in any exercise besides my 30 min walks with Bellie Bear. I'm excited to get back into Bar Method & Yoga once we return from our trip to Belize.
Stretch marks? Nope
Symptoms: I haven't felt nauseous in about 5 days! I had a weird barfing sesh in texas after lunch one day, but other than that weird day, I've been feeling amazing! Oh and I have been starting to get some lower back pain when I've been standing too long.
Sleep: Still sleeping pretty well although I never feel completely rested.
Best moment this week: We've been doing some dog training with Bellini the last month or so to try and get her to have more self-control. This week when someone rang the door bell she stayed down and let the person come in without jumping all over them. If you know Bellini at all, you will know this was quite the milestone :).
Miss Anything? Ez and I were walking around costco and I saw that Blue Moon has autumn flavors out right now. I would have done anything for a cold pumpkin spice Blue Moon.
Number of times I get up to pee each night: Getting up about once on average. I did have 2 nights where I didn't get up at all. It was amazing!
Movement: YES!! oh my goodness! I was sitting on our hotel bed when I was in Austin, Texas and felt like these tiny little punches in my stomach. Both Ez and I put our hands on my belly and we both felt the baby punch a few more times! It was so weird and so amazing at the same time. I've felt the baby move only a few more times after that night.
Food cravings: I didn't have any cravings this week besides the Blue Moon beer. Although I've moved on from PB&J sandos to veggie deli sandos with extra pepperoncinis :).
Anything making you queasy or sick: Handling raw meat still makes me want to vom.
Have you started to show yet: I finally have a little baby bump :). People who don't know me would never know I'm pregnant, but those who know me can now tell that there's something there. I've also been crazy hungry the past few days so I have a feeling I'm starting to hit a growth spurt.
Gender prediction: We thought we were going to find out the sex at our appt this Tues... no dice. I go back for my full head to toe 2nd trimester ultrasound on Nov. 5th. Dr. said we should def find out then. 11 more days!
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In (thank goodness, outties freak me out).
Mood: Feeling super relaxed this week.
Looking forward to: Halloween! Ezra's friends go to Vegas every year for Halloween and always have a theme for costumes. We decided on a circus theme this year so Ez and I are dressing up as a lion and a lion tamer!
Symptoms: I haven't felt nauseous in about 5 days! I had a weird barfing sesh in texas after lunch one day, but other than that weird day, I've been feeling amazing! Oh and I have been starting to get some lower back pain when I've been standing too long.
Sleep: Still sleeping pretty well although I never feel completely rested.
Best moment this week: We've been doing some dog training with Bellini the last month or so to try and get her to have more self-control. This week when someone rang the door bell she stayed down and let the person come in without jumping all over them. If you know Bellini at all, you will know this was quite the milestone :).
Miss Anything? Ez and I were walking around costco and I saw that Blue Moon has autumn flavors out right now. I would have done anything for a cold pumpkin spice Blue Moon.
Number of times I get up to pee each night: Getting up about once on average. I did have 2 nights where I didn't get up at all. It was amazing!
Movement: YES!! oh my goodness! I was sitting on our hotel bed when I was in Austin, Texas and felt like these tiny little punches in my stomach. Both Ez and I put our hands on my belly and we both felt the baby punch a few more times! It was so weird and so amazing at the same time. I've felt the baby move only a few more times after that night.
Food cravings: I didn't have any cravings this week besides the Blue Moon beer. Although I've moved on from PB&J sandos to veggie deli sandos with extra pepperoncinis :).
Anything making you queasy or sick: Handling raw meat still makes me want to vom.
Have you started to show yet: I finally have a little baby bump :). People who don't know me would never know I'm pregnant, but those who know me can now tell that there's something there. I've also been crazy hungry the past few days so I have a feeling I'm starting to hit a growth spurt.
Gender prediction: We thought we were going to find out the sex at our appt this Tues... no dice. I go back for my full head to toe 2nd trimester ultrasound on Nov. 5th. Dr. said we should def find out then. 11 more days!
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In (thank goodness, outties freak me out).
Mood: Feeling super relaxed this week.
Looking forward to: Halloween! Ezra's friends go to Vegas every year for Halloween and always have a theme for costumes. We decided on a circus theme this year so Ez and I are dressing up as a lion and a lion tamer!
What the baby is up to this week:
Head to rump, your baby is about 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper or sweet potato) and he weighs almost 7 ounces. He’s busy flexing his arms and legs — movements that you’ll start noticing more and more in the weeks ahead. His blood vessels are visible through his thin skin, and his ears are now in their final position, although they’re still standing out from his head a bit. A protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around his nerves, a process that will continue for a year after he’s born. If you’re having a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If you’re having a boy, his genitals are noticeable now, but he may hide them from you during an ultrasound.
See what your baby looks like this week.