- 16.2 lbs - 20th %tile for weight
- 25.6 in - 16th %tile for height
- Wearing mostly 6-12 month clothing now. Graduated to size 3 diapers.
- You cut your first tooth!
- You got your first cold. You were super snotty and sad :(.
- Talking with your stuffed animals, especially with your nap and bedtime lovie Elliot the elephant
- To try and grab at everything on the table when we are trying to eat
- Your new exersaucer. You will jump and play with the toys for hours
- To squeal at the top of your lungs and then smile super big after you get our attention
- Pear and squash mixed together, sounds really gross to me :)
- Having a runny nose and having your mommy and daddy clean your snot. Typical kid!
- Being picked up from behind without seeing the person's face. That really makes you angry.
- You started eating solid foods!! Avocado was first, then squash, pear, carrots, turnips, and sweet potato.
- You are sitting up on your own now!
- You can roll over but you don't like to do it. You're perfectly content just staying on your back or belly.
- Your rolls are becoming quite ridiculous and the talk of the town :).
- You visited Seattle, SF, and Santa Cruz.
- You're starting to wave bye-bye. We will see if it keeps up.
- You graduated from Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit and now sleep in your PJs. It was a super easy transition and you're still sleeping great.
- You're now on a super solid eating and napping routine. It's amazing to be able to just place you in the crib when it's nap tame and tell you it's sleepy time and you fall asleep in 5-15 minutes. Serious game changer!