Prego Party Pics:
How far along? 35 weeks
How big is the baby? Honeydew melon. Baby C weighs 5lbs 11oz (the dr. weighed him at our appt. on Friday). Length: more than 18 inches, head to heel.
Weight Gained: 2lbs gained this week, total of 28lbs gained. Feeling super huge this week.
Waist Size: 38.5 in, total of 8.5 in growth (measuring around the belly button)
Exercising: Last week on our babymoon, Ez and I did 2 really fun hikes in SLO county and Big Sur. It was really nice to be outdoors in nature. We also took a yoga class at one of the hotels we stayed at. This week has been pretty busy with a lot of catch up from being gone last week so I only took one prenatal yoga class and 1 bar method class. I also have an ingrown toenail (ugh so gross) so I'm trying to heal my toe before I push myself with exercising again.
Stretch marks? Nope! ohhhh yea :).
Symptoms: I'm starting to get sharp pains in my groin and hip area. My doula says this is due to my ligaments stretching to prepare for labor and because baby C is trying to drop. I'm heading to see my chiropractor this tues so he can adjust my hips and back, I'm hoping this relieves the pain I've been feeling in my hip/groin area. I'm also starting to get super sleepy again. I'm def back on the 8pm going to bed train.
Sleep: Not sleeping great at all this last week. I keep waking up because my right hand is completely numb and achy. It is incredibly painful and it will sometimes take up to 30 minutes for it to go away and feel normal. I hope this doesn't last after baby C arrives.
Best moment this week: Spending the weekend with my friends and family to celebrate me becoming a mom soon. It was an awesome party, thanks so much to my BFF, Ashley, for planning the party! I also had fun taking maternity photos at our casa with Amy & Stuart Photography. They are the couple who took our engagement and wedding photos, it was great hanging out with them for the afternoon. Oh and finding out at our Dr. appt. that baby C is head down and that my placenta is in the perfect position. Things are looking good so far for having a natural vaginal birth! It was a pretty awesome week!
Miss Anything? Walking up a flight of stairs without being winded!
Number of times I get up to pee each night: 3-4 times a night this week. It's getting hard to get out of bed each time :).
Movement: Movement is starting to slow down a bit. Dr. says this is due to the baby not having much space in my belly.
Food cravings: Cottage cheese with mango and raspberries! I've had that for bfast almost every morning this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Have you started to show yet: I feel ginormous this week. I feel like I may have started doing the typical prego waddle this week.
Gender: Handsome baby boy (Dr. quadruple checked for us at our appt. on Friday)
Labor Signs: Not yet!
Belly Button in or out? It's still about halfway out right now. Even when I'm wearing a tight shirt, you can't see it out yet. I'm think I'm good to go with it staying where it is :).
Mood: Super duper sleepy. I've been taking naps daily and going to bed around 8 or 9pm. I'm also getting anxious for this little man to come.
Looking forward to: Going to a King's game this weekend!